What Mountain Are You Moving?

At some point in our lives we are all trying to move a mountain. To be honest, there are probably several mountains we’ll try to move in our lifetimes. These mountains will come in many different forms. The mountain could be a battle with addiction. The mountain could be struggles with a wayward child. The mountain could be repairing a broken marriage, a career change, overcoming financial difficulty or battling a health situation.

The truth in all of these situations is you can’t move the mountain with just one push. The mountain is too big, so how do you move it? The key is the consistency of many smaller pushes. Those small movements build momentum. It’s in the continuous effort where your faith grows. It’s in these moments you start to accomplish more than you could ever imagine. It’s in the these moments you start to see the mountain move.

So whatever the mountain is you’re trying to move, don’t let its size discourage you. I want you to start pushing against it, one small action at a time. Every day make some positive action, no matter how small, towards moving that mountain. Believe that you have the power within you to move that mountain. The power is displayed in your actions so never give up, never stop believing and always try to move forward.

Truth In Love!

Evolution of Self!

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