Choose To Be Happy

Happiness is defined as a state of well being or contentment; joy. When is the last time you truly felt that in your life? Can you remember it? Think back to that moment and put yourself in that place. What made it special? Why were you so happy?

Now bring yourself back to the present day, are you still happy? If not, ask yourself what changed between that moment you were just reflecting on and now? This is a key question to ask as you try and find that place of contentment again.

My feeling is if you were happy before you can be happy again. But it’s a choice you have to make and you have to work at it. There is no magic pill or potion that will bring you happiness. True happiness won’t be found by immersing yourself in work, alcohol, drugs or anything else we use to bring us the illusion of happiness.

True happiness is found when you realize your life is a gift. Each and every day is a blessing and that in itself is a reason to be happy. You have to remind yourself daily of this fact and start focusing on the many things that bring you joy. The laughter of a child, the sun shining brightly or the love of a family member are just a few of these things.

True happiness will be found when you look yourself in the mirror and say, “I choose to be happy!” Then you will start focusing on those joyful things in your life which maybe you’ve ignored for too long. This positive attitude will become a daily habit and true happiness will follow.

Truth In Love!

Evolution of Self!

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