Give Every Day A Chance

Each morning you wake up is a new day. You have the power to shape what that day will become. The moment you open your eyes in the morning, you are setting the day into motion. The decisions you make from that point forward will impact your day.

If you start your day with positive things it will help you view the day in a positive manner. This is why it’s so important to have a morning routine to start your day. Something you consciously do to set your day on the right path.

I’m reading a book that talks about the morning routines of successful people. There are a number of things they do to purposefully start their day in a positive way. They have activities like meditation, prayer, reading, working out, etc. to get their minds focused on the positivity of the upcoming day.

I developed a morning routine that combines scripture reading, devotional listening and working out. This routine has a tremendously positive impact on how I view my day. When I skip it there is a noticeable negative impact, so it’s a daily habit I must do if I want to view the day in a positive way.

What is your morning routine? Do you have one? If not, I encourage you to develop one and make it a part of your daily routine. It’s a daily habit that will bring significant positive change to your life.

Truth In Love!

Evolution of Self!

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