Push Through!

I’ve often found when we are pushing towards our goals and accomplishing good things, the criticism and negative voices are the loudest.
How many of you have experienced or are experiencing the same thing?

Now that you are making progress and achieving the purpose you’ve been given, the outside voices point to all you are doing wrong.
During these times it can be hard for you to remain focused on your goal.
You may start to doubt yourself and question some of the decisions you’ve made.
Am I doing the right thing?
Am I made to fulfill this purpose?
Do I have what it takes?
Why is everyone not happy with my progress?
All of these questions and more start to invade your thinking and takes you away from the purpose you have.

The key to overcoming the noise is to lean on the faith you have in God and the purpose He has given you.
When you are in line with Him and His purpose for you, the outside noise is just that, NOISE!

So if you are facing this today I encourage you to spend some time with Him and become renewed and refreshed. You will then be ready to continue your journey with a smile on your face while the noise continues around you.

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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