What will you do?

I apologize for not posting to the blog as much lately.
I’ve been focused on getting my book ready for publishing.
But the events of the past few weeks have impacted my spirit so much I had to step away from the book to post this.

It’s been quite eye opening to see the reactions across the nation to the anthem protests in the NFL.
It has caused such a division in the country and everyone feels they much take a side.
It’s either all or nothing, no middle ground, no room for discussion.

It makes me wonder what happened to tolerance in our country?
What happened to caring about someone other than ourselves?
What happened to being able to discuss issues and find solutions to make our country better?
Why have we isolated ourselves into these different pockets of America?

In many ways, social media adds to the isolation because you have the “safety” of choosing who you interact with.
In times like this, people tend to surround themselves with people who think the same and feel the same.
This provides the foundation for you to believe that your way is the only way and the other side is wrong.
It keeps you from having to truly interact with those who have a different viewpoint.
It’s the easy way out.

This is not what our country needs to heal!
We need to talk to each other.
We need to open the dialogue on the tough subjects like race.
We can’t be afraid of the messy conversations.
We need to reach out to those who are different than us.

Each of us can start this in our own homes, schools and communities.
It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone and learn something new.
It takes courage to open your mind to a different perspective.
It takes courage to bring change where it is needed.
It takes love to focus on the needs of others.
What will you do?

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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