19 April 2017 – What Is Your Motivation?

What is my motivation for doing what I do in life?
This is a question I’ve started truly asking myself within the last few years.
I’m talking about all areas of my life: career, fitness, finances, health, etc.
The honest answer to this question always reveals a lot to me.

Many times, especially in the past, my motivation was to impress others or feed my pride.
This is always a sign of trouble for me.
Why is that?
Because when my focus is on trying to impress someone else I take my focus off God’s path for my life.
In those times, the decisions I made were normally not in line with the direction I was called to go.
My decisions were very self-centered and focused on me and the results were less than desired.

I understand now how important it is for me ensure my motivation is correct.
If it is not then I take a pause in what I’m doing and make a course correction.
I don’t always get this right but I keep on trying.
The goal is to not live to impress others but to follow my path.

Are you struggling right now in a certain area?
If so, ask yourself why you are doing it and see if your motivation is what it should be.

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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