17 April 2017 – Not Just For Vacation

As many of you know, Jen, CA and I spent all of last week in beautiful, sunny Florida.
This Spring Break vacation also doubled as an early birthday present for CA as we all got to enjoy the Disney Parks as well as beautiful Clearwater Beach.
It was a truly amazing, relaxing and fun-filled week for us all.

It was also a time of reflection for Jen and I as we looked at where our family is and where we want to be.
What we realized is the happiness, relaxation and joy we felt on vacation is what we want in our daily lives.
Why should it be that vacation is the only time many of us can truly feel relaxed?

Our jobs, our schedules, and our routines have beaten us down so much that the only time we truly find peace is those one or two times a year when we go on vacation.
What we realized is that it doesn’t have to be that way!

It’s that way because we have allowed it to be that way!
True joy, peace and happiness can be found just as much in our daily routine as in our time on vacation.
It’s within our control!

Take some time to truly think through the questions listed below:

1. What have you put in your daily schedule that doesn’t need to be there?
2. What people or things do you need to distance yourself from to reduce the stress in your life?
3. What activities do you need to add to your daily routine to bring more enjoyment and relaxation to your life?
4. Is your job or your desire to climb the corporate ladder stealing your joy?
5. Is the area you are living in providing you the work/life balance you need?

These questions and more are what we reflected on this past week and the answers revealed a lot to us.
The message we received is if we truly want to live the life He has for us, a life where we see the value and joy in each and every day, then we need to make some changes.
True joy, peace and relaxation are not just for vacation!

What are the answers to the questions telling you?

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

Read this blog and past blogs at my website www.yourlifetowin.com

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