22 April 2017 – Lean On Your Belief

It’s hard to believe in God’s plan and path for your life when everything is going wrong, I get that.
It’s hard to believe that a great future is ahead of you when your current situation says otherwise.
As humans, we need some tangible evidence that things are going to get better.
The not knowing and having to wait until His plan is revealed to us is one of the hardest things for us to comprehend.
This causes us to doubt, to fear, and to believe the lie that things will never get better.

This is where our faith and trust in His word has to come in.
It’s so important for each of us to have a foundation we can lean on when the tough times come and stay around for awhile.
You need something that will let you know, things are going to be alright and a better day is coming.
That foundation for me is found in His word and His promises.

When things get tough and I start to struggle I go back to what He has promised and reflect on that.
I go back to the times in my life when I struggled with something and I remember how He pulled me through and things got better,
I remember the truth of what He has done for me in the past to dispel the lie that things will not get better.

The key to making it through the tough times in life is your belief and faith.
Don’t let the fear of the unknown take your focus off what you do know.
Your faith and belief in Him and His promises have pulled you through before and it will happen again.
His plans for you are for good not for harm and to give you a future and a hope, always remember that!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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