Friday Focus – The Pain Principle

This People Principle from John Maxwell is another one that helps us to understand ourselves and others in the aspect of relationships.

The truth is a lot of us are holding onto deep hurts. There are things that have happened in our lives that we have not dealt with and just pushed down inside of us. Because of this our actions towards people, and their actions towards us, can be hurtful at times.

When hurting people lash out, many times it’s in response to what’s happening inside them more than what’s happening around them. They feel something negative within themselves. Whenever someone says something hurtful try and go beneath the surface.

We have to look past the hurtful action and try to see what may be causing them pain. A person’s response that is out of character is larger than the issue at hand. The response is almost always about something else.

We can see this happen in all of our relationships, both personal and professional. When you know that you’ve done nothing wrong, try not to take it personally. Extend your hand to help if you can. Remember it may not be about you.

Evolution of Self!

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