Tuesday Thought – Personal Growth Plan

Do you have a personal growth plan?

You may be wondering right now why you need a personal growth plan. The truth is you will need to grow to accomplish the dreams and goals you have within you. The only way to truly grow is to be intentional about it and that is where the growth plan comes in.

I relate it to a workout plan I develop for my body. If there is a certain fitness goal I have then I build a workout plan to achieve that goal. The plan tells me when I work, what I work on and how much I work. If I stay dedicated to the plan I will reach my goal.

This same process applies to the other areas of your life where you have a goal you want to reach. It can be in your career, your family relationships, your spirituality, your leadership ability or any other area. The goal isn’t reached without personal growth. The growth doesn’t happen unless you’re intentional about it and make a plan for it to happen.

The alternative to not growing is becoming stagnant. It’s easy to fall into that comfort zone in life where you feel growth is not necessary. The truth is that’s not a place where you will be happy for long. You have too many gifts inside of you yet to be released.

You won’t become who you are called to be without growth. Identify the area where you need to grow today and start building your growth plan. Growth is a lifelong journey so it’s never to late to start. Let’s get going!

Evolution of Self!

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