Tuesday Thought – You Are An Influencer

Do you believe you are an influencer? As this quote from John Maxwell says, “if you connect with people in any way you are an influencer.”

Now unless you live on a deserted island by yourself you connect with people every day. You make daily connections with people in your family, at work or at school. You make daily connections with strangers you meet on the street, at the store or during your commute. You can easily connect with 50 or more people during your day.

What you may not have realized is you are an influencer in those people’s lives. Now that influence can be positive or negative and it can be minimal or great. You have the power to influence that persons perception of themselves or how their day will go. You have tremendous power to influence them in a number of ways.

The question is, what do you do with your power to influence? Are you going to acknowledge that you are an influencer and have it shape your actions and attitudes towards those you connect with? Or are you going to go through your day focused on you and not using your power as an influencer or even worse using it in a negative way?

Each of us has the power to change lives. We have the power to be a positive or negative influence on many lives each day. Let’s embrace that fact and step outside of ourselves and have our actions and attitudes be a positive influence on those we connect with. You have the power to change the world!

Evolution of Self!

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