The Greatest of These Is Love

This verse is one of my favorite and I’ve shared it several times before, and it never gets old. This verse is especially appropriate today because it’s Valentines Day. This is a day when Love is the theme, it’s in the air. What a world this would be if we could take the theme of this one day and spread it across all 365 days of the year.

What if you could hold onto that feeling of love you have today and have it every day, how different would your life be? And I’m not just talking about the love you have for your spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend. I’m talking about taking that love and spreading it to all you come in contact with. What if you spread that love to co-workers, friends, family members and even strangers you meet, how would that impact your life and their lives?

Many people hate the commercialization of Valentine’s Day and I agree it is a little overblown. But the central message of Love is undeniably true, and that is what we should focus on. This is what can truly change our world! Love for self, Love for others and Love for God!

Truth In Love! Evolution of Self! ~ Chuck

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