Persist When Difficulty Comes

Persistence is defined as “firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.”

In any goal you are pursuing you must have persistence to accomplish it. Why is that? Because most goals take time to accomplish and in the midst of them you will face difficulty or opposition. That difficulty or opposition is there to make you quit. That difficulty or opposition is there to find out how much you truly want the goal you are pursuing. Is it worth the hard work, pain or sacrifice?

To persist during the tough times, I have found you must have faith. Faith that you have within you what it takes to accomplish the goal. Faith that on the other side of the difficulty is the prize you are fighting for. Faith that all the work you put into achieving the goal is making you a better version of yourself.

Whether you are the Lady Patriots hockey team trying to put the puck in the net, someone recovering from injury, someone wanting career advancement, someone working on a fitness goal, or someone mending a broken relationship persistence will be needed.

You really have only two choices when the difficulty or opposition comes, either persist or quit. Which one will you choose? If the goal is truly worth it you already know the answer!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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