Don’t Carry It Forward

As this verse came up in my reading a few days ago, I was truly thankful for the timing. What better time than the end of the year to truly reflect on what these words mean for each of us. What does it mean to truly forgive as God has forgiven us?

I think many of us look at these words and focus on those big things we’ve been holding onto for so long. Those hurts that family members or friends inflicted upon us that we haven’t let go of yet. Those deep wounds that have affected us for so many years. These are wounds that must be dealt with for each of us to move forward.

But I think we too often forget to apply this message to those small every day moments where we hold back forgiveness. Those moments in our day where we don’t forgive a spouse or child for something they did or said. Those moments in our day where we don’t forgive a co-worker for a mistake they made. Those moments in our day where we hold onto the anger from something a complete stranger does to us in traffic. Those moments in our day where we don’t forgive ourselves for the mistakes we make.

These small moments all add up when you hold onto them and don’t forgive. They eat away at your spirit and before you know it they have as much impact on you as that big thing you’re still holding onto. What better time than the end of the year to do some self-reflection and see what areas you need to extend more grace and forgiveness in your life. In the end, it’s what’s needed to move you closer to God and His plan for your life!

Truth In Love!  ~ Chuck

Read more uplifting content in my new book, Your Life To Win – Finding Purpose Through God’s Word, available on Amazon , Barnes and Noble , my publisher Xulon Press , and other book retailers.

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