Practice The 3 R’s

How many of you have heard the phrase, “Common sense isn’t common”?
Let’s think about how true that phrase is because if common sense was common we wouldn’t make some of the mistakes we make right?
I don’t know for sure when I first heard it but I know it was in my childhood.
It was probably related to something I did that I shouldn’t have been doing.

I think for most of us we understand what common sense and discernment are.
We understand that we should take a moment to step back and think through the decisions we make.
We know that decisions made in haste normally aren’t the best decisions we could make.
So knowing all of this and understanding what needs to be done, why do we still make decisions that seem to lack common sense?

I think the reason common sense isn’t common is because of our emotions.
When we let our emotions take over all rationale thought tends to go out of the window.
I can look at my own life and tell you this is definitely a true statement.
When I make decisions purely on emotion, the outcome is usually one that I didn’t want.

So how do we take control of our emotions so we can apply common sense to our situations?
For me it involves the 3 R’s, Remove, Reach and Respond.
1. Remove yourself from the situation before you react.
This could be either physically or mentally by not responding right away.
2. Reach into the internal Fruit Store provided for you by the Spirit.
Use the fruits of the spirit within you (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control).
3. Respond to each situation with grace and love.
Whatever your response, ensure it comes from a place of grace and love.

I believe we all have the capability to make those common sense decisions, it truly comes down to our ability to control our emotions in every situation we face.
Yes, we will fail at times but if we practice the 3 R’s regularly, those failures will become less and less over time.

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

Read more uplifting content in my new book, Your Life To Win – Finding Purpose Through God’s Word, available on Amazon , Barnes and Noble , my publisher Xulon Press , and other book retailers.

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