2 February 2017 – A New You

I love the what this verse says to me.
You can’t put something new into something old because the old wasn’t made to handle the new.
This is exactly what I’m going through with my life coach and what I’m taking a few of my clients through.
Acknowledging that for each of us to move forward into the purpose He has for us we need to change.
You cannot achieve and receive all He has for you staying the way you currently are.
This is where it becomes scary for a lot of us.
Change is uncomfortable and scary because it involves letting go and embracing a future you may not be certain of.
It requires a lot of faith on your part knowing the changes you are making take you closer to reaching your purpose.
The question you have to ask yourself is are you willing to be uncomfortable?
Are you willing to let go of some habits you’ve had for a long time?
Are you willing to change the way you’ve been doing things?
Are you willing to let go of something that’s comfortable to you but is holding you back from moving forward?

To move forward along the path He has for your life will require change.
Accepting and embracing all He has for you will transform you.
Are you ready and willing to trade your old wine skin for new wine skin so you can receive what He has for you?

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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