1 February 2017 – Live In Peace

In today’s world, living in peace with everyone may seem like a command to difficult to follow.
How can I live in peace with people who don’t want to live in peace with me?
How can I live in peace when the situation around me is screaming chaos and confusion?
How can I find peace while still standing up for what I feel is right?
It will take work but it can be done.
The 1st step is to have a complete understanding of who you are.
For me, this is knowing Who I truly belong to and understanding what that means for my life.
I know that I am called to live a certain way, to forgive and to give grace and it has been given to me.
This helps guide my steps and actions even in the most difficult times.
The 2nd step is to remember Who is ultimately in control.
When I can step back from the noise and the craziness of the situation and reflect on Who is in control, it brings me peace.
Knowing that no matter how bad the situation may be there is One who controls it all, allows me not to feel hopeless and full of despair.
For when those feelings come in, it is very difficult to live in peace.
Finally, you have to look at everyone around you through the lens of love!
As difficult as it may be, it’s extremely important to practice this day in and day out.
The person you disagree with, the person who dislikes you, the person you consider your enemy, the person that is causing strife in your life, and the person who clearly is not practicing love towards you, you have to look at them through the lens of love.
You have to do this not just because we are called to but because your heart and your spirit need you to do it.
It allows you to stay in peace.
Is it difficult to live at peace with everyone? Yes!
Will it take work and effort on your part? Yes!
Is it important for you to do? Yes!
Finding the ability to live at peace allows you to continue to focus on the path He has placed in front of you, allowing you to follow your purpose, impact others and live the blessed life He has for you!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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