
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NLT), “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”

Each of us loves to hear positive words as we are working on a task whether it is at work, school or home. You feel a boost of energy when someone takes the time to stop and notice your effort. Then not to only notice it but give you that “pat on the back” for doing a good job and a nudge to “keep up the good work”. That extra motivation keeps your engine revved and you just have that extra boost to complete your task.

The same type of encouragement is needed for our brothers and sisters on their walks with God. As you pursue those things God has placed on your heart that extra dose of encouragement from friends and family really help you keep moving forward. In my own journey with sharing devotionals and now writing this blog, I’ve found those words of encouragement not only greatly appreciated but very well timed. That word of thanks or little note of encouragement from someone I’ve impacted comes at those moments when my energy is running low or I’m a bit out of it. It never fails and I know it’s God reaching out and using others to help encourage me on my journey.

What I try to always remember is the same way I need that encouragement at times, others do also. So I try not to hold back those encouraging words, or that thank you. to others as I interact with them. You may not know where that other person is on their path to pursuing their dreams and that’s okay. Your words of encouragement are helpful wherever they are along the path.

It’s a great reminder to all of us to never hold back those words of encouragement you feel the need to share with others. It may be someone you haven’t spoken to in a while or someone you barely know, but God can still use you. My friends, know that your words could be just what that person needs to hear to keep them moving forward. You are playing a huge part in helping them achieve what God has called them to do, and you may never know it. So always be ready to encourage and watch the encouragement come back to you!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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