What Is On Your Heart?

Matthew 6:21 (NLT), “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will be also.’

What is it that you want to accomplish in life? I’m sure you’ve heard that question many times before. A better way to ask the question is, what is that thing on your heart you want to accomplish more than anything else? For some of us the answer would roll right off our tongues and for others it may take some deeper thought. I believe this is an important question for us to ask ourselves from time to time. Why you might ask? Because that desire that is strongest upon your heart is the thing you treasure and that’s where your true focus and energy will go, if you pursue it.

Take a moment to think about the things you are currently pursuing in life and why you are pursuing them. Are they things that come from your heart, things you feel a strong passion for? I can tell you the answer was not yes for me in many cases. And that’s how it is for many of us. You are pursuing some things out of necessity, out of routine, or simply because you don’t feel you have what it takes to pursue what’s truly on your heart.

My friends, this is where the mistake is made. God has placed those desires upon your heart for a reason. He wants to use you and your gifts to positively impact this world. Yes, you can change the world and what God has placed on your heart is the key. Don’t let the lies of the enemy cause you self-doubt or fear, so much that you never step out to pursue those dreams.

Today is the day to make a stand. Don’t hold back your dreams any longer. Go for it with the passion and desire God placed inside of you then watch what He can do!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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