Have you ever had someone tell you that you don’t have any special talents?
Has anyone made you feel like there is nothing special you have to give to this world?
Have you been telling yourself these same things?
Despite what others may have told you and made you feel about yourself, I’m here to tell you there is a gift you have that the world needs.
Today is the day to stop doubting yourself and to unleash that gift.
Each of you has been blessed with a gift, a gift that when cultivated and used to follow God’s plan for your life will change the world.
I know some are reading this right now and thinking that I must be talking to someone else, there is no way I have a gift that changes the world.
No, I’m talking to each and every person reading this right now.
You were created to be special, not ordinary, yes each and every one of you.
You have a gift inside of you, given specifically to you for a purpose…..Your Purpose.
That gift is waiting to be opened and used within your life.
How do you know what that gift is or when you’ve tapped into it?
You will know because your heart, mind and soul will tell you.
That gift will make you feel alive, enegized and at peace.
For me, once I started truly using my gift of being able to communicate with people through my writing, videos, etc., I started feeling a peace and joy unlike anything else.
I wake up every morning wanting to use it more, to cultivate it, to touch more people with it.
I know in my heart, mind and soul it’s what I’ve been put here to do…..My Purpose!
So what gift do you have that you’ve been keeping wrapped up?
What is it that you are so passionate about doing that you think about it daily?
Today is the day to open that gift and use it for it’s intended purpose.
You are special, you have a gift and the world needs it!