4 January 2017 – Keep Working

Keep Working!
I love this verse because of the encouragement it gives me when I’m going through problems and trials.
It lets me know that the pain and discomfort are for a purpose.
That even through my struggles there is growth.
My endurance grows, my strength grows and my faith grows.
You see every time I face difficulty and I push on through to the other side, I’ve grown.

This is a truth you can hold onto as you push through to reach the goals you’ve set for yourself.
Understand up front that you will face difficulty as you pursue these things.
There will be times you want to give up and call it quits because you feel the road is too tough.
But remember that every little step you take forward is building you up.
No matter how small the step may be, it’s growing you in so many ways.

So don’t give up, don’t quit, even if the difficulty you face knocks you back a few steps.
Believe in your heart that no difficulty is too great for you to overcome.
God has placed the strength within you and the people around you to help you succeed.
But in order to tap into these things you have to keep going.
Keep working towards those fitness goals, keep working towards that career change, keep working towards debt freedom, keep working towards starting that new business, keep working towards building that relationship……..whatever it is you are pursuing………Keep Working!!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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