Friday Focus – Unlock Potential

Potential is having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future. Potential is a powerful thing that I believe we all have inside us but too many never tap into that potential. One reason is they never had a leader (parent, coach, boss, friend, etc.) believe in them.

Think about the potential you unleash in someone when you say, I believe in you. Think about the potential you unleash in someone when you equip them to grow. Think about the potential you unleash in someone when you help them complete a task they thought was beyond their capability.

We are all leaders in some form or fashion so we all have the power to help someone unlock their potential. As a matter of fact, I believe as a leader it is one of your most important jobs.

Who do you lead that needs to hear today that you believe in them? Who do you lead that needs your help to unlock their potential? Who are you willing to pour into today?

You have the power to unlock potential in someone today, will you use it?

Evolution of Self!

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