Tuesday Thought – Have You Started?

I have a question for you. Have you started developing the growth plan I’ve been talking about in the last few blogs? If I was able to see a show of hands I believe that not many would be raised.

The truth is we never actually pull the trigger and do the thing we should do when we should do it. We feel motivated in that initial moment but instead of acting on it, we let our lives distract us. Then once we are distracted the thing we should be doing is added to the list of things we want to do but will probably never do.

I get it because this has been me so many times. In the past year the Law of Diminishing Intent has counted me as a victim on a number of occasions. It’s easy to fall into when we lose the initial excitement of the change we want to make. When we realize there is work involved to bring about the change, we start to find excuses for not doing it. Many of us miss out on significant growth in our lives because of this.

I didn’t conquer this hurdle until my Why for wanting to grow was bigger than my excuses. The benefit of what growing provided me spoke to my spirit and I had to have it. The alternative of staying where I was did not appeal to me, it wasn’t an option. Growth to me was inevitable.

What area of your life is your spirit calling on you to change, to have growth? Find that area of your life where your Why to grow is so powerful that it jump starts you into action. Then get going!

Evolution of Self!

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