How do you start your morning? Do you take a moment to realize how blessed you are to be alive? Or are you so worried about what the day will bring that you don’t take time to be thankful for the life you have?
It truly is a privilege to wake up each morning and have the breath of life within us. But if we don’t take the time to be thankful our lives become nothing more than a monotonous routine. We won’t see our life as the blessing it truly is, a gift from God.
Every morning, shortly after you wake up, I want you to take a few minutes to think about 3 things you’re thankful for and write them down. Jen started doing this several months ago and encouraged me to do the same. It has truly made a difference in how we approach each day. It causes us to truly reflect on how we’ve been blessed and the things we may take for granted.
This routine will have you looking at your life differently. You’ll start to see the purpose in each and every day. You’ll appreciate the small things and become thankful for the life you have. You’ll understand the privilege it is to be alive.
Truth In Love!
Evolution of Self!