Iron Sharpens Iron

Proverbs is full of wisdom and insight that applies to each of us on our daily walk through life.

I’ve always found this verse to be powerful in its message.

As iron sharpens iron, we can sharpen each other.

But there is a key piece that you can’t miss for this message to impact your life.

In order to be sharpened you must be vulnerable, allowing that other person God has placed in your life to work in your life.

Take a look at the picture, in order for that ax head to be sharpened it has to be placed against the other piece of iron.

That piece of iron in turn takes away all the stuff that needs to be removed so the ax head can be sharp again.

That is a perfect example of how we can work in each other’s lives.

That person you open up to, the one you’ve allowed into your life in this way, will help you take away the stuff keeping you from being who you are called to be.

But it takes openness, vulnerability, humility and faith for that to happen.

You have to be wiling to receive the constructive criticism coming from them out of love.

You have to be willing to make the changes necessary in your life.

You have to allow yourself to be sharpened.

Yes, it may be painful and it might hurt but in the end you will come out a better version of yourself.

You will be sharpened!

Truth In Love!

Evolution of Self!

#faith #strength #ironsharpensiron #wisdom #insight #inspiration #motivation #openness #vulnerability #love

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