What Do Your Actions Say About You?

This verse has been on my mind a lot over the past several weeks. The separation of children from their parents at the border has really torn at my heart. While watching these events unfold I started reflecting back on how Jesus welcomed the children and said the kingdom of God is for those who are like these children. That led me to start reflecting on the actions of many people and how those actions become a reflection of who they are.

I’m not just talking about the politicians but all of us. We must all understand that our actions define who we are. How can we say we are following the example of love that Jesus showed us when we turn our backs on children, who need our love the most? How can we say we are following the example of love that Jesus showed us for all people when we treat people who are not like us as less than human? How can we praise Him on Sunday but turn away from His teachings of love on Monday through Saturday?

I think it’s time for each of us to step back from the politics, media coverage, talking heads, etc. and reflect on who you truly are. It’s time to look at your actions and ask yourself is that the person you truly are, the person you want to be, the person you are called to be?

I believe we are all capable of being better examples of Jesus’ love! Let your actions reflect that!

Truth In Love!

Evolution of Self!

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