30 May 2017 – Dreading The Work Week? It’s Time For A Change!

Does this sound familiar?
The work week is about to start and you’re dreading it, you have no excitement or energy.
As a matter of fact, you’re already looking forward to the upcoming weekend.
My friend, if this is your story every week then maybe it’s time for a change!

Why do so many stick around in jobs and careers they absolutely dread?
Where is it written that your career should not bring you joy?
Somewhere along the way too many have fallen for the lie that you have to stick it out in a dead-end career.

Ask yourself, why are you continuing to pursue something you have no passion for?
As crazy as it sounds, many stay in jobs they have no passion for because it’s easier than making a change.
The thought of change causes fear, and the fear paralyzes you to the point you can’t move forward to make a change.

The reality is our time on this earth is fleeting, and we have to decide how that time will be spent.
Each of us has a specific purpose, and specific dreams that were placed within us.
The choice we have to make is whether or not we are going to fulfill our purpose and pursue our dreams.

Don’t let valuable time pass you by, while you stay in a career that doesn’t align with your purpose.
When you look back on your life will you be able to say you lived it to the fullest?
Or will you look back with regret that you didn’t make a change when you should have?

Today is a great day to start living a life of purpose!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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