13 May 2017 – Rest At The Wall

If you’re like me when you come up against those brick walls in life you want to conquer them.
You want to climb over, go around, or break through them.
You want to do anything possible to overcome that obstacle so you can move on down your life’s path.
You aren’t going to let this brick wall stop you from achieving your destiny.

That is the right mindset to have, one that never gives up and doesn’t let an obstacle stop or defeat you.
But there are those times when that brick wall is placed on your path to help you.
Many of you are probably asking, “What are you talking about, how can this brick wall in my path actually help me?”
I say this because sometimes that brick wall is placed there to make you stop for a moment because you need to.

I’ve been there too many times myself, running 100 miles per hour straight ahead focused on the goal I want to achieve.
I’m so focused on that goal, I don’t realize that I’m running myself into the ground.
I wasn’t made to run 100 miles per hour continuously, at some point something will break down.
At some point along that journey I need to slow down, stop and rest.

This is where the brick wall comes along as not an obstacle, but as a place for you to stop and rest.
If you’ve been beating yourself up trying to overcome that brick wall, maybe it’s time to stop fighting against it and just lean against it.
Take some time to rest, re-calibrate, re-energize, and get a new perspective on what’s in front of you.
Then when you’re rested, you will be ready to climb over, go around or break through that brick wall!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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