7 May 2017 – Construction Zone : Work In Progress

Sometimes I think I should be wearing a t-shirt every day that says “Construction Zone – Work In Progress”.
As a matter of fact, I think we all should be wearing these t-shirts.
They would send an important message to not only the person wearing the t-shirt but also to the person seeing the t-shirt.
The message to the wearer is, “Don’t be so hard on yourself as you make mistakes in life because you are a work in progress, you aren’t perfect.”
The message to the person seeing the t-shirt is, “Cut this person some slack and stop judging them so much, they are a work in progress just like you.”

How different would your life be if you didn’t feel the weight of judgment pressing you down every day?
Imagine the judgment you place upon yourself and the judgment placed upon you by others suddenly lifted off your shoulders.
That freedom would allow you to grow into the person God is molding you to be.
You would take those steps necessary to accomplish the dreams placed upon your heart without fear of what others would say.
More importantly, you would be able to set yourself free from the limitations you have placed upon yourself because of your own self-judgment.

Not one of us walking this earth has it all figured out, not one of us is perfect and making all the right decisions.
Knowing that, let’s stop placing so much judgment on each other because we are all a work in progress.
The Master Craftsman has a final version for each of us that He is working on.
Today allow yourself to be molded by Him, stop judging the unfinished product and rejoice in the fact that you are still a work in progress!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

One thought on “7 May 2017 – Construction Zone : Work In Progress

  1. So true Chuck! Well said! Thanks for the remainder! God bless you and your family and your family my brother!

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