26 April 2017 – Your Timetable

Each of us has a timetable for the things we are to accomplish in this life.
That timetable is unique and matched to your gifts and talents.
You are okay with that as long as things are moving along at the pace you think is correct.
This gets challenged as soon as you start comparing your journey to someone else’s.
You see someone else achieving things in life you want to accomplish and you can’t help but ask, “When is my blessing coming?”

Then the follow on questions come, “Why are they being blessed?” and “What am I doing wrong?”
This leads you to start doubting the journey that you’re on and the work you’re performing.
You lose focus on what you are to accomplish and you start focusing on what that other person is doing.
Your timetable is no longer good and you have to figure out and fix what’s wrong.

Can I tell you more often than not, there is nothing wrong with your timetable.
There is nothing to fix or change on your journey.
The reason you aren’t receiving what that other person is receiving is “It’s not your time!”
Your timetable is setup to deliver those blessings at the time that’s perfect for you.
At a time when you will be ready and prepared to receive them.
So stay focused on what you are doing and keep following your path.
The blessings may be right around the corner!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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