8 April 2017 – What Are You Searching For?

What are you searching for?
This is such a powerful question that can be asked in so many areas of your life.
What are you searching for in your marriage?
What are you searching for in your relationships?
What are you searching for in your job?
What are you searching for spiritually?
What are you searching for in regards to your health and fitness?
What are you searching for in your life?

The answer to this question, or should I say the attempt to answer this question, is key and takes courage.
The answer to this question helps shape the direction you will move in your life.
But far too many times you avoid asking and answering this question.
You already know that answering the question will show you things in your life you don’t want to see.
So instead of having courage and facing this, you go along in your life feeling confused, not fulfilled, and without purpose.

You are searching for more peace in your marriage, but that means you will have to give up the petty arguments and not have to be right all the time.
You are seeking deeper relationships, but that means you have to walk away from social media and actually go out to meet and talk to people.
You want a closer relationship with Jesus in your life, but that means you need to take the time to pick up the bible and read what His word is telling you.
You want to be healthier, but that means you will have to change some of your eating habits and start working out more.
You want to advance in your career, but that means you will have to give up some time with friends to study so you can earn that degree.

The answer to the question shows you that to achieve what you are truly searching for, there are things you need to do.
The key to achieving what you are searching for is you!
Once you answer the question, are you ready to make the necessary changes to achieve it!
Will you have the courage to follow the path He shows you?

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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