2 April 2017 – This Day!

This day is the day you have been blessed with!
This day is the day you are living!
This day is the day you can make a difference!
This day is the day you can make a change!
This day is the day you can show someone else the love they are in need of!
This day is the day you can forgive!
This day is the day you can ask for forgiveness!
This day is the day you can start that fitness plan!
This day is the day you can be healthier!
This day is the day you can start that business!
This day is the day you can reach out to someone in need!
This day is the day you can start reading His word!
This day is the day you can feel His love!
This day the opportunities in front of you are endless!

Stop focusing on yesterday or tomorrow, focus on this day!
Everything you want to do in your life can start TODAY!
Believe It!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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