What If’s

Proverbs 3:6 (NLT), “Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”

A few mornings ago I slept through my alarm and woke to my wife’s alarm going off. Now her alarm is set about 40 minutes after my alarm because I get up earlier to head downstairs to workout and read. It was not how I wanted to start my morning at all. I wanted to follow my morning routine to start the day right.

But I started playing the “what if” game in my head. What if I don’t have enough time to read and workout? What if I don’t get back upstairs in time to shower and change? What if we leave the house late and traffic is heavy? As you can see the “what if’s” can keep coming.

Despite the “what if’s” I decided to head on downstairs and do my normal routine. That morning I had a great workout and felt very connected to God through my reading and postings. Everyone got to school and work on time and the traffic wasn’t crazy.

I tell this story to show how you can miss out on what life has to offer because you’re too worried about the “what if’s”. I had to remind myself that if I’m following what God has placed on my heart I don’t have to worry about the “what if’s”. God will provide the answers and the way forward. Remember this the next time the “what if’s” are playing in your head and keeping you from reaching your true purpose!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

One thought on “What If’s

  1. How true !! What if I don’t like MN anymore. I know the answer. Have to work on it. What if I don’t like my new job. What if the kids get hurt in WI? What if the relationships fail? But, I did find a good church. Able to spend time with my mom. God is teaching, leading and making me grow. It’s painful. But, I know that. I fight it. I know better. I see good things everyday.

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