Overcome Your Feelings

1 John 3:20 (NLT), “Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything.”

When you stepped out of bed this morning how did you feel? Were you happy or were you sad? Were you feeling negative or were you feeling positive? The bigger question is, did that feeling you had when you woke up dictate the way the rest of your morning went?

I can tell you I’ve had those mornings when I’ve gotten out of bed and felt great. I was in a very good mood and the day started off great and continued that way. I’ve also had those mornings where I woke up on the “wrong side of the bed”. I felt grumpy and sour and that’s how my morning and the rest of my day ended up going. The bottom line in these situations is I let my emotions control me and my actions.

The devotional I’m reading, The Power of Being Thankful, by Joyce Meyer talked about this. The lesson was titled, “Living Beyond Your Feelings.” The main focus of the lesson tells us we don’t have to let our feelings dictate our lives. You have to manage your emotions and not let them manage you. No matter how you are feeling each day there is one constant you can never forget, God and His never-ending love for you!

This is something I try to focus on when I feel myself letting my emotions take over. I know that no matter how I may be feeling God’s plan for me to have a tremendous life is still there. It’s up to me to make the right choices in my interactions with others so I can truly see that life. It is totally in my control whether or not I’m going to allow myself to have a bad day. It’s totally up to me to control how I react to others, no matter what they may say or do to me. My feelings are my feelings to either control or let run my life.

Let’s stop using our emotions as an excuse for our negative behavior. Take ownership of your feelings and understand they don’t have to run your life. That power only exists if you let it. Through all the ups and downs of the emotional roller coaster called Life, keep your focus on God. Truly understand and embrace the love He has for you. Understand the strength he’s placed inside you to handle the ride. When you feel your emotions getting the best of you, call on that God-given strength and control them.

Don’t let your emotions keep you from living the truly blessed life God has for you!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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