The Next Step

Proverbs 16:9 (NLT) says, “We can make our plans, but the lord determines our steps.”

We’ve all been there in our lives. That point where in our minds we’ve determined we are going to step out and try something new. For example, we are going to start the gym routine; we are going to pursue the college degree; we are going to start that business we’ve dreamed about; or we are going to devote more time to a church ministry. The list could go on and on. Then the day comes when we say this is it, “This is going to be my day” or “This is going to be my year” to start.

Now you’re at the point where you need to take the next step. This is the place where many of us get stuck. This is the place where it goes from a thought in your head to an actionable step you have to take. For many it’s not that you don’t want to take that next step but you have no idea where that next step should be. You become afraid of the next step and give up on your dream. You don’t take that next step for many different reasons.

One, you feel you may take the wrong next step and it would lead to failure. You ask yourself, “What if I move forward to take this next step and it’s in the wrong direction?” The new job opportunity you’ve been praying for is right in front of you and you are afraid to accept. The business opportunity you’ve dreamed about is right there but you’re afraid to step forward and grab it because you might fail. You cause yourself to become paralyzed to the point you feel it’s better to not move forward at all.

Two, you fear the work that’s involved with taking the next step. If you sign up for that gym membership or tell your friends you will join their workout group, you have made a commitment. The work has to be put in on a consistent basis and you are now accountable. Without the next step, the accountability is not there. To complete the degree you’ve dreamed about you’re going to have to actually take classes. You’re going to have to study, take tests, and complete papers. The work has to be put in.

Three, you fear what others will think and say. This is a big one for many of us. I have been there numerous times myself. This goes back to yesterday’s blog, The Road Less Traveled, where I talked about how we would face the negative voices. If you have in your mind to do something different understand you must prepare yourself for the naysayers and those who won’t support you. But many times you can’t deal with this type of rejection from others so you never take the next step.

When you are at this point and hesitant to take the next step, for one of these reasons or a myriad of others, I believe you have to do three things.

First, you have to pray! Before we go any further from taking that thought in our head and heart to action we must talk to God. It is crucial you understand that what you are about to take the next step on is aligned with God’s call for you. The only way you’re going to know is to spend quiet time with Him talking about it. Spending time with Him will help you see and understand that calling He has for you. He will show you how the dreams He’s placed upon you fit His plan.

Second, once you know it is from Him you have to believe in His plan for your life. When you are about to take that next step have faith He is guiding you to it and through it. This is where digging into God’s word and seeing how He has always come through for those who follow His path will strengthen you. Reflecting on what He has done in your own life will give you faith. This faith will be needed to continue taking the steps necessary to reach your goal.

Third, you have to take action. This is where you take that tangible next step forward toward fulfilling your dream. This is where you sign up for that first college course on the way to your degree. This is where you step foot in the gym and work out. This is where you sit down with that financial planner to build a plan to get the debt under control. Whatever that thing is that God has placed on your heart to do, this is the time to do something tangible about it.

Your life is meant to be lived to the fullness of God’s plan for you. So often, you are just that next step away from releasing all God has in store for you. Life is a journey and in order to complete that journey there will always be a next step required. Don’t get cut off from all of God’s blessings for you because you didn’t have the belief, courage and faith to take the next step. Psalms 17:5 (NLT) says, “My steps have stayed on your path; I have not wavered from following you.”

Truth in Love! ~ Chuck

One thought on “The Next Step

  1. This came true recently for us when Larry was offered a management position in Alexandria. Our hometown ?? No way!! We wanted this so bad. Prayed about it. And here it was. We can’t leave the kids, can we? My job, our church, friends. Prayed more. Absolutely!! Go for it. It was the right choice we just knew. We had that peace.
    Unfortunately Larrys dad died recently. But Larry was there with him to the end. What a blessing. Gone for 34 years and now he’s back. What a journey!!

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