What Is Your Purpose?

How many times have we had someone ask us what our goals are in life? How many times have we had an answer to that question? If we look back at the number of times we’ve answered that question my guess is those goals changed as we moved further along in life. Why do you think your goals in life keep shifting? Is it because of age? Is it because of status? I think our goals in life keep changing because we haven’t truly found what our purpose is in life.

The age old question of “Why am I here?” is one that people have tried to answer for some time. In a world of millions of people we want to know what we were made for. Where can I make my difference in this world? Our desire to know this is shown in Psalms 57:2 (NLT) “I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.”

This is a question I struggled with for many, many years. I can think back to the time I was in high school and the guidance counselors asked what I wanted to do in life, what was my goal? At that time my goal was to become a zoologist simply because I loved animals and it seemed like a cool job to have. There were no thoughts in my head of whether this is what God has called me to do. I wasn’t thinking about whether this was how I could make my mark in this world. No, to me a teenage kid it seemed like something fun and cool to do.

Fast forward a few years to right before I joined the Air Force. I had just taken some time off from college because I was not focused on learning and needed to stop wasting my parent’s money. So I started working and one day found myself at the AF Recruiters office. The next thing I know I’m signed up and preparing to head off to boot camp in a few months. Now, did I think this was my purpose in life and what God had called me to do? No, this was an opportunity that came up and at the time seemed like the right thing to do for my life.

During my time in the Air Force, which I loved, I found myself really drawn to the people aspects of my job. The skills and talents I had been blessed with by God lent themselves very well to taking care of people. I found it natural to talk to people, to help them solve problems and to mentor them. After more than 23 years of service, do I look back on my Air Force career and say that was my purpose? No I don’t. But what I started to see then is the workings of God leading me to my purpose.

Even as I now look back over my teenage and college years I can see God’s hand at work, shaping and molding me. I know I wasn’t the easiest material to shape and mold but it didn’t stop God! All along He was planting those seeds that would eventually show me what my purpose is. What He has called me to do!

What am I saying by all of this? I’m telling you to not get so frustrated and upset about not being able to find your purpose. Enjoy the path you are on with the understanding that God is using it to build in you what is needed to meet the purpose He has for you. You may not see it now and it may be frustrating at times but that’s okay. If you stay in God’s word and do your best in the situations that you are in, you will see your purpose revealed to you. When it’s revealed believe me you will know.

When God revealed to me how He wants me to reach people through this blog and other upcoming adventures there was such a peace and joy I felt. There was no doubt in my mind or heart that this is my purpose and my calling. My energy level and enjoyment for this is so high. As said in scripture, 1 Corinthians 9:26, “So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing.”

If you haven’t found that yet don’t worry, your time is coming! Stay in faith!
Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT) For I know the plans I have for you,” says the lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Truth in Love! ~ Chuck

5 thoughts on “What Is Your Purpose?

  1. Great article Chuckie! Reminds me of driving into Cavalier AFS, ND for my husband to take squadron command in 2007. I knew his purpose, but specifically asked him what my pupose there was. Four months later a family had to deliver a stillborn just like we had done years prior. I knew at that moment that God ALWAYS has a purpose for where we are in life. That has brought great peace to my world as I continue to lead the life of an Air Force spouse, especially for the year that Keith deployed. Thanks for sharing and Keep writing and inspiring …

    1. Christine that is a powerful testimony and shows how we are put in situations we may not understand but God has the plan. He is using us to fulfill a purpose!

  2. I use to think I knew what my purpose was. But I didn’t. It was just ” what do I want to do , that’s my purpose “. Then all these challenges happen. What?? That’s not they way I’m suppose to go. Then it hit my. Nothing is done by coincidence. I look back and every challenge I have faced worked for the good, for my purpose.

    1. Yes Lori, many times I’ve also looked back and seen how God was working in my life in situations I didn’t understand. It truly amazes me how I can look back and see that but still have moments now where I doubt His control over my life and I try to take control.

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