27 February 2017 – Only One You

You are unique! You are special! There is no one else like you!
You were fearfully and wonderfully made!
These are truths about you that no one else can take away.
These are truths about you that you should believe and hold onto.

Too many times in our lives there are people telling us the opposite.
You are told there is nothing special about you, you are just average, and you are not unique.
These words get into your heart, mind and spirit and you start believing them.
It causes you to go through life never living up to your true potential.
You start to believe there is nothing special about you and you’re just an average person meant to live an average life.

But you aren’t made to be average, you aren’t made to just go through life without purpose.
There is only one you and you are special, and you were made to make a difference.
The talents and gifts you’ve been given are unique to you and given to you for a purpose.
That purpose is your calling, it’s your destiny, it’s why you were made the unique individual you are.

Embrace the person you are because God didn’t make any mistakes when He made you.
Search your soul and find your purpose, then start living it out.
Live your life to the fullest and share the gifts and talents you have with those around you.
The world needs what you have, the world needs you!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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