23 Februrary 2017 – Are You Ready to Rest?

As you can see, I strongly believe in the importance of each of you finding and sticking to a day of rest.
There must be something to this notion that allowing your body and mind to rest and rejuvenate is actually a smart thing to do.
Why else would I write about it for 3 days straight, right?

In yesterday’s blog I talked about how you can become so use to the hectic pace that it becomes normal to you.
It becomes so normal that you don’t even realize how stressed and tense you’ve become.
So what are some of the signs you might look for to show that your stress levels might be too high?

In the article, “Relaxation – How do we know if we are tense?” from the Counselling Service at Royal Holloway, University of London they gave several clues to look for.
1. You have tense muscles.
2. Your heart is racing or pounding often.
3. You tend to hyperventilate, feel light-headed or faint.
4. You have persistent tiredness or exhaustion.
5. You have aches and pains.
6. You have difficulty with sleeping.
7. You have a loss of appetite or you are not eating well; your stomach is in knots.
8. You develop minor ailments such as headaches, migraines or an upset stomach.
9. Your mind is in a whirl, you can’t think straight, concentrate or work effectively.
10. You always feel in a rush, under pressure and not having enough time to do things.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?
If so my friends, it’s truly time to step away to relax and rejuvenate.

This became a focus area for me this week that I wanted to share with you because of my own failings when it came to truly “unplugging” and resting.
I thought I was doing okay until I truly listened to the voices around me that were saying what I didn’t want to hear, “You Need To Rest!”
None of us can go 100 miles an hour all the time and expect to be productive for ourselves or anyone around us.
God didn’t design us that way and if you believe you are Superman or Superwoman, the reality is you are not.

I want you to accomplish your goals, I want you to live the life God has planned for you and I want you to grow those gifts that God has placed within you.
But none of this means you have to go non-stop, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Even the Lord rested on the 7th day, and if He can take time out to rest, then I think each of us can as well!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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