21 February 2017 – Rested and Rejuvenated

I feel absolutely great today! I just had to share that with you guys!
The reason I feel so great is because I feel totally rested and rejuvenated.
How many of you share that same feeling as you read this?

I have written before about taking time out of our busy schedules to truly rest.
I myself have tried to do this on several occasions but never truly saw it through.
This past Friday in a session with my life coach, we talked about the need for rest and rejuvenation.
So I had planned to make Sunday a day of “unplugging” from social media posting, writing, life coaching, etc.
And with my wife being out of town, I would focus on having fun with my son.

To further reinforce my decision, was the sermon my pastor gave on Sunday morning which focused on truly finding a day of rest.
First my life coach, and now my pastor, speaking on the subject of resting.
I didn’t need anymore clues to say okay God, I hear you and I’m listening.

I can’t express enough through words how truly enjoyable and fun it was to truly unplug from work and social media for a day.
My son and I had a blast, watching movies, playing basketball, wrestling, eating pizza and popcorn, and driving around with nowhere really to go.
The look on his face when he realized that he had Daddy’s full attention all day was priceless.
That in itself made the day an extremely successful one for me.

When is the last time you truly gave yourself a day of rest?
When is the last time you unplugged from work and social media for an entire day?
If the answer is never or you can’t remember the last time you did, then now is the time to schedule that day.
Don’t let true joy in life pass you by because you never took the time to slow down and notice it!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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