14 February 2017 – Happy Valentine’s Day

I wish everyone a blessed and love filled Valentine’s Day!
My prayer is that you not just feel loved on this one day of the year but every day of the year.
Not just a superficial love that changes with the direction of the wind but a love that stands strong and true even through the fiercest storms.
The kind of love that God has for each of us regardless of where we are in our lives or our walk with Him.
These verses to me are a true reflection of what love is.
Read this, meditate on it and let it sink down into your soul.
Look at your relationship with your loved ones and ask yourself if it fits the definition of love in these verses.
If it does not then I have two questions for you:
1. Do you truly love them?
2. Are you willing to change?

These verses ask a lot of you and I but it’s what we should all strive for in our quest to truly love others.
Will you hit the mark every time, no you won’t.
But the key is to have that mark you’re aiming for and to keep shooting for it.
For many of us, hitting that mark means changing who and what we currently are.
It means changing our view of things, our reaction to things and our heart.
But that change is all worth it when you feel the joy and peace that comes from truly loving others!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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