13 February 2017 – What Goes In Comes Out

I love that this theme of protecting your heart comes up so many times in my daily readings.
It is such an important message that I don’t think it can be talked about too much.
Bottom line for anyone trying to move forward in life, you can’t let a bunch of negativity in and expect a positive outcome.
What you focus on, what you let into your heart and mind, what you absorb every day will have a direct impact on what you output every day.
This is something I have to constantly remind myself and focus on each and every day.
And it’s hard, because there are so many ways for the negativity and destructive thoughts to creep in.
Social Media is a big one.
I’m just going to read this one negative post from someone I don’t know, then before you know it you’ve spent another 30 minutes reading all the negative comments.
Now you’ve absorbed that into your heart and your spirit.
A discussion with a friend, family member, coworker, etc. starts going negative and instead of waking away you stay there and absorb it. You don’t realize that each of those words is negatively impacting your heart and spirit.
When you absorb all of this it changes you.
Your heart hardens, your spirit darkens and your outlook on your life and people is not as bright as it once was.
You have to protect your heart as you would your child, your spouse, and those things you love dearly.
Don’t let the pain, hurt and negativity of others change the person you have been called to be!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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