12 February 2017 – Momentum Part 2

Yesterday I highlighted how some amazing breakthroughs took place last week for myself and two of my life coaching clients.
Trust, faith and belief in our purpose and God’s plan for our lives were key in making that happen.
These things are necessary in order for you to see these same kind of breakthroughs in your life.
Today I wanted to bring forth one other very important tool that is needed, freedom from fear.
Now I’m not saying you have to walk around not afraid of anything in your life, that is not possible.
But what you need is freedom from the fear of what others will think or say about you as you walk your path.
You have to know that not everyone will understand, appreciate or celebrate the calling on your life.
Not everyone will want to see you succeed in the plan He has for your life.
What you have to do is become okay with that!

You have to let that trust, faith and belief build up so much courage in you that you no longer fear the judgment of people.
Then you will be able to walk out boldly along the path and accomplish great things in spite of what people may try to do to stop you.
You will know in your heart that God’s plan for your life cannot be stopped by anyone else, unless you allow them to stop it.
Your goals, your dreams, and His plan for your life are all in reach.
You just have to take your focus off what negative people are telling you and switch it to what God has promised you!
Don’t let fear of people keep you from your destiny! Keep the momentum going!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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