28 January 2017 – Leap Of Faith

“Then he touched their eyes and said, “Because of your faith, it will happen.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭9:29‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Last year I took a leap of faith, went outside of my comfort zone and started Your Life To Win, LLC.
I had thought about it for awhile but kept putting it off.
I would come up with many reasons not to start it: I need more time; I need more training; I need someone to build the website; I don’t have the time; I’m nervous; etc.
The negative voices were definitely playing inside of my head and they kept me frozen and not moving forward.
But when I quieted those voices I heard another voice that said I was made to do this!
This voice told me the time is now, I’ve equipped you with all you need to start changing lives.
The passion was always there but I needed the faith to push me out of the starting block so I could truly run my race.
Now I’m off and running, excited about where the race will take me and how many lives I can impact!

How many of you are at that point right now?
You told yourself that 2017 would be the year you follow your passion and live with purpose.
You were ready to go and now here you are at the end of the first month of 2017 and you are still in the starting block.
You have the passion but you need to strengthen your faith so you can run your race.
Reflect on the promises in His word to believe the plan He has for your life.
Lean on the people He has placed in your life to help you move forward.
Reach out to someone who can walk alongside you to inspire and motivate you as you run your race.
Today is the day to get out of the starting block my friends!
Let’s Go!!! Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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