27 January 2017 – Peace Through It All

Life can be very chaotic, I think we can all agree with that statement.
Each of us will face trials and tribulations, highs and lows, and situations of complete confusion.
You will feel like your head is spinning and your thoughts and emotions are all over the place.
During these times in life it is so important for each of us to still operate from a place of peace.
Right now some of you are saying to yourself, there is no way I can be peaceful in the situation I’m dealing with.
How can I ever find peace in this chaos and despair?
To find that peace you have to go outside of yourself to the One who brings ultimate peace.
You have to go back to your rock and foundation.
Your peace during these troubling times comes from knowing He is with you.
Your peace comes from knowing that what you are facing is temporary because He has a better plan for your life.
Your peace comes from knowing He has already placed, or will place, people around you to provide support during the rough times.
Your peace comes from knowing there is nothing you will face that is greater than Him and His love for you.
These truths, and many more, allow you to stay peaceful in the storm.
And when you are able to stay peaceful in these tough situations, you can see them for what they truly are, temporary roadblocks on your path.
Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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