25 January 2017 – Don’t Get Distracted

How many times have you stopped along the path God has you on because you’re trying to understand what is happening?
I’ve certainly been there before.
I’m moving along and something happens that I didn’t anticipate and I spend hours, days and even weeks trying to understand why it happened.
Instead of continuing to focus on the steps in front of me, I’m frozen trying to understand the steps I’ve already taken.
My longing for understanding becomes a distraction that keeps me from moving forward to where I need to go.
I know many of you have been in this same situation before.
We just have to know why it happened and how it happened.
Our human minds have to know the details of it all.
I’ve learned that in these moments I need to step back and understand Who is in control.
I remind myself that if He wanted me to know the details of it all, I would know the details.
I have to rely on the faith I have in Him and His plan for my life.
I have to trust in Him!

If you are in this place right now it’s time to stop trying to figure it all out and start moving forward again.
Don’t be the distraction that keeps you from reaching the place God wants you to be.
Stop trying to lean on your own understanding and have faith that He is guiding your steps!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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