22 January 2017 – Your Guide

What a powerful feeling to know you have someone guiding and instructing you as you walk the path of your life!
You don’t have to wander aimlessly trying to figure out which way to go, what direction to take.
He is there to provide that direction and to show you the path.
Our problem comes when we don’t want to listen to his direction or follow the path He has provided.
At times I have said, I don’t hear Him or I don’t understand the direction He wants me to go.
But the truth is I did hear Him, I just didn’t want to go down the path He was leading me.
Many times it was out of fear because I didn’t have the faith to believe that path was the right one.
Sometimes it was my own arrogance because I believed I knew a better path or a short cut.
I think this is how it is for so many of us.
We become confused about the direction our lives should go because we don’t want to listen to and follow The Guide.
It’s not until our way has sent us too far down the wrong path that we decide to rely on Him and His plan for our lives.
I guess sometimes we just need to learn the hard way, I know I’ve been there before.
Are you struggling trying to find your way in life, trying to understand your purpose, trying to find your path in life?
Maybe it’s time to truly open your eyes, ears, heart and mind to what your Guide is telling you.
Trust that His way is true and that He won’t lead you astray!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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