21 January 2017 – What Are You Letting In?

During my reading this morning I came across these two verses that caught my attention.
As I read into them more I started to realize why they spoke to me so much.
For me, these two verses speak directly to what I see going on in our country today.
We’ve let our eyes feed our heart and souls so much negativity that we’ve become calloused and negative towards each other.
Walk through this with me for a moment.
If I am constantly looking at news, social media, etc. showing us as humans at our worst and with no hope for tomorrow, that will soon become my reality.
My heart will become hardened and I will judge everyone through what my eyes have been showing me.
There is no light coming through, only darkness.
But if I “change the channel”, and my eyes see the beauty of humanity and the blessings we do have then that will become my reality.
The light is now coming through and my heart and soul are open to those around me.
We have grown so accustomed to having all these avenues of getting “information” that we’ve taken off the filter and let our eyes see everything.
We have stopped realizing that what our eyes see gets down into our spirit and affects our hearts.
In our confusion we believe the darkness is actually light and once that starts happening the way we view each other is eroded.
We no longer look at each other through a lens of love but one of hate and suspicion.
The good news is each of us has control over what our eyes see and what we let in.
It’s time each of us exercises that control and puts the filter back on so the light can start shining through again!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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