20 January 2017 – Service To Others

Why were you blessed with the gifts and talents that you have?
What is the purpose for them?
Are they for you to keep within yourself and not reveal to the world?
No, Your gifts are meant to be seen by others because they were given to you so you can serve and bless others.
Many times I think we forget the true nature of the calling each of us has.
The calling to serve others following the ultimate example of service that Jesus showed us.
It’s not about you or I gaining wealth, career status, notoriety, etc.
Yes, sometimes those things come along with it but the true purpose of our calling is to bless and serve others.
When you use your gifts and talents in this way, with this purpose in mind, you can change the lives of so many people.
Put the focus on developing your gifts and talents so that you can be a difference maker.
If you are talented in motivating and inspiring people in the area of health and fitness, then develop that further and help more people improve their lives.
If you are talented in the area of listening and coaching people, then develop that further so you can help others live out their purpose.
Whatever you have been blessed with, understand there are so many people out there waiting for their lives to be touched by you.
I always remind myself as I’m going along my journey that it’s not about me.
God didn’t bless me with the talents I have just so I can be a better person.
No, these were given to me so I can reach others and serve them in a way that helps them become better people.
Then they go out and do the same thing and it continues to multiply.
That is how you and I change the world!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck


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