18 January 2017 – It’s Possible

Yesterday I talked about each of us needing to take action toward achieving our goals.
Our actions should reflect the faith we have in God and His plan for our life.
For many of us taking that action may seem extremely daunting.
You look at what needs to be done and immediately think, there is no way I can do this.
Before you even attempt to take action, you have given up because your mind tells you it’s impossible.
From a human perspective you don’t see yourself doing it.
I did the same thing myself.
Who me, I could never write blogs and become an author because I’ve never published anything before.
Who me, I could never start my own Life Coaching business because I have no experience as a business owner.
For some of you the story looks like this.
Who me, I could never lose all this weight because the journey is too long and I’m too out of shape.
Who me, I will never be in that relationship I dream of because I’ve been hurt too many times.
This list could go on and on.

During these times is when you have to turn from you and turn to Him.
As this scripture says, “What is impossible for people is possible with God.”
You have to reflect back on he times in your life when He showed you a way where there was no way, when He pulled you through when you thought it was over.
Each of you has those times in your life.
Those truths are what you reflect on when you feel like you can’t take that next step.
Don’t let fear make you think it’s impossible, because with Him it’s all possible!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck


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