14 January 2017 – Loved Always

What a powerful feeling to know that you are always loved.
Knowing there is someone out there who will love you no matter what you do.
Someone who is there to let you know that you can get past the mistakes you’ve made and the hurt you may have caused.
Feeling that kind of love enables you to pick yourself up when you’ve fallen and continue walking down the path for your life.
The problem is some of you don’t feel that kind of love right now, you feel like no one loves you.
Your thoughts tell you there is no way someone could love you after all the mistakes you’ve made and the things you’ve done.
You’ve hurt too many people or have been hurt too many times yourself to be loved.
From a human standpoint you look at it and say I can’t even love myself right now so how can I expect someone else to love me.
That is where you have to take your thoughts higher, to the One who created you.
When you reflect on His words and His promises and what He has done for you, you will know His love for you.
You will feel in your heart and spirit how much He loves you at all times.
When you start feeling that then you can start loving yourself again.
And when you start loving yourself again, you will open yourself up to be loved by others around you.
But it all starts with knowing in your heart and soul how much you are always loved by Him!
Embrace that love today!!

Truth In Love! ~ Chuck

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